Early Morning Yoga. Is it for you?
You don't have to be a morning person to reap the benefits of an early morning yoga practice. Just a couple of times of early morning yoga per week, can leave you feeling great. Yoga doesn't take as much effort as first thing in the morning as other activities, and can even help you get up earlier on your days off. It can also be YOU time, before your day is swallowed up by all the "to-dos." An early morning yoga routine can help with mood, weight loss, and it can even help you sleep better at night.
Here are the top 5 reasons to try ritualizing your mornings with yoga.
1. Consistency. People who start healthy morning habits are more likely to stick to them, verses when they try to fit the routines in at other times during the day.
Like attracts like. Getting up early to move will actually set your circadian rhythms to help you get a better nights sleep, and feeling more refreshed and a little more like a "morning person."
2. Experience less stress. Yoga is a practice that makes us more resilient to stress. I always say that morning yoga is like putting on sunscreen if you know you are going to the beach. We know we will encounter stress(both good and bad) during our day, why not take a little time to prepare for that stress.
3. Less aches and pains. If we work hard or live in aging bodies, we may wake up with aches and pains. Movement helps, but if the movement is too strenuous, we are adding to future inflammation. A slow mindful movement practice, such as yoga, will help us move with grace as we age and recover from more strenuous activities.
4. More motivation. When we do something good for ourselves that we enjoy, it begins a snowball effect and we continue to make healthier choices throughout the rest of our day.
5. Better digestion. The deep breathing, forward bending, and twisting in yoga help to stoke our digestive fire. When we do this first thing in the morning it will help our bodies eliminate toxins and even metabolize more fat.
While practicing yoga at any time gives us these amazing health benefits, early morning yoga is a great way to start the day with more focus and on a positive note. Try it and see if it helps you energize your body and clear your mind.
Join us for 6am yoga on Tuesdays or Thursdays!
Check out memberships here: https://www.pranayogaschool.co...