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October Theme: Connecting to bliss.


We all may have a different definition of yoga and meditation when asked, and a unique experience to the practice of meditation. October's theme focuses on the 7th limb of Ashtanga yoga, which is dhyana. Dhyana is the Sanskrit word that is often translated as meditation.

I realize that meditation may conjure up images of yogis on mountain tops, and something you could never achieve. I often explain to my students that meditation is a state, just like sleep. We all know that the more we try to "fall asleep," the more challenging it can become. It is similar with meditation.

Dhyana is not something we can will ourselves to do, yet it is the profound effect of our meditation practice that fills our senses with bliss and contentment.

At Pranayoga, we have a specific method for teaching meditation that allows us to first engage in the senses. We develop a discipline of being in the present moment rather than engaging with past, future, likes, or dislikes. Over time, with practice, our mind gets 'stronger,' and we are able to move beyond the senses. Suddenly, we may find ourselves in the experience of dhyana(meditation). All senses absorbed with bliss.

This may seem far-fetched from where we are today, not even able to sit still or simply trying to manage pain. Thankfully, one difference between meditation and sleep is - if we don't sleep, our health suffers. This is not the case with a meditation practice. If we do not reach a state of meditation, research shows, we still reap the benefits.

The reality is that our mind is actually very strong and steady, and if we stop engaging with our attachment to busyness, we get to experience that truth. What if you could imagine that you are more at peace than you realize? Can you feel that truth somatically?

You do not even have to sit still in a meditation practice. There are walking meditations, swaying meditations,...the list goes on and on. We will explore many practices in the Meditation 101 course beginning October 9th. It is like finding a key that unlocks the practice for you. Are you ready to discover your "relaxation response?"

Fall is the ideal time to begin a meditation practice with us and to
enjoy your inner light and connection to bliss. As the days grow shorter, let your light become brighter.

Start today and join me in this guided meditation practice.